BerryBuzz V2 For Blackberry

Hey guys/gals, its JReel, this is my first ever app review, on the Berry Buzz. This app lets you change the LED colors on the Email, Pin messages, SMS, Calendar Alerts, missed calls and incoming calls. The LED colors range from all sorts of colors, and included a brighter feature so you can choose if you want the bright or regular setting. Instead of seeing the RED LED flash all the time, this changes it up a bit, seeing different colors and automatically thinking what type of alert you got with the indicated color you set it at. The incoming call has a vibrate option, making your phone vibrate and blink the color you have set it to, the pause/duration between the flash can be changed from .25 seconds to 5 seconds. I love this app myself and glad that i have purchased it, it lets me know what type of alert i have by the color of the LED without even opening up to the home screen. Let me know what you think if you have this app or thinking about getting it

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